Dear customer. You are logged in your personal account for “Demo” customers on the Call4life Electronic Doctor platform. You have access to AI-based online Electronic Doctor consutations.

The Call4file clinic has created an electronic doctor to help people in the most accessible and effective way. Call4life clinic managed to combine the simplicity and accessibility of conventional medical tests with a large scientific base of European and American medical associations. The electronic doctor issues recommendations and prescribes tests without human intervention. The experience and knowledge of Israeli doctors, based on modern technologies, helped to make a breakthrough in this area.

English version

Doctor in Pocket

Doctor in pocket was created by Call4life team of doctors with extensive practical experience and IT specialists based on a unique database of diseases analyzed by Call4life algorithms.

Your oncorisk

You will find our your probability of getting oncology in percentage terms.

Chronic fatigue and depression

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a consequence of disorders in the body.

Women’s Health

You will receive an assessment of your emotional state, as well as recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


A self-learning program that compares your results with the results of studies of thousands of doctors.

Healthy weight

Esther is your online nutritionist to monitor body weight and identify the causes contributing to the deviation from the norm.

Active longevity

Esther’s consultation “Active Longevity” is necessary to improve the quality of life of older people and timely treatment of chronic and age-related diseases.

Polish version


Aby w odpowiednim momencie wykryć obecność chorób układu oddechowego, Call4life opracował Wirus-Bota, który wykrywa i rozróżnia choroby układu oddechowego (przeziębienie) od poważniejszych infekcji wirusowych.

Chroniczne zmęczenie / Depresja

Zespół chronicznego zmęczenia powstaje w wyniku zaburzeń w organizmie człowieka. Może to być reakcja na stres i silne emocje, nieodpowiednia dieta, zaburzenia snu.

Zdrowie kobiet

Otrzymasz ocenę swojego stanu emocjonalnego, a także zalecenia dotyczące zdrowego stylu życia.


Znajdziesz nasze prawdopodobieństwo uzyskania Onkologii w procentach.

Osobisty dietetyk

Esther jest Twoim dietetykiem online, który monitoruje masę ciała i identyfikuje przyczyny przyczyniające się do odchylenia od normy.

Aktywna długowieczność

Konsultacja Estery “aktywna długowieczność” jest niezbędna do poprawy jakości życia osób starszych i terminowego leczenia chorób przewlekłych i związanych z wiekiem.

Chinese version





Vietnamese version


Hệ thống chẩn đoán sớm sẽ cảnh báo cho Bạn về các vấn đề hiện hữu và đưa ra các biện pháp thực hiện cần thiết để điều trị kịp thời. Đừng chần chừ do dự, khi điều đó xảy đến với Bạn.


Để nhanh chóng xác định được việc bị nhiễm các bệnh đường hô hấp, Call4life đã tạo ra chương trình Virus-bot giúp xác định và phân biệt các bệnh về đường hô hấp (cảm lạnh) với các bệnh nhiễm virus nghiêm trọng hơn.

Sức khỏe phụ nữ

Bạn sẽ nhận được một đánh giá về tình cảm của bạn nước, cũng như đề nghị cho việc duy trì một lối sống lành mạnh.

Bahasa (Indonesia) version


Viral-Bot dapat membedakan berbagai jenis penyakit akibat virus, seperti influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus, juga dapat mendeteksi infeksi pernapasan akut (pilek).